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Math Courses

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At StemIvy, we focus on helping elevate the best math problem-solving potential in your child -- and bringing those skills and confidence out on test day.

AOPS (Art of Problem Solving) Course:

The AoPS workbook series is the most well-recognized textbook by the Olympiad community. We incorporated this Olympiad textbook with our professional math instructors with well-designed live lessons. This is the course for students who want to gain fundamental problem-solving skills and conceptual knowledge to begin their math competition journey.

Our AOPS subject curriculum is designed to prepare students in grades 4-11 to develop a solid problem-solving foundation and achieve success in math competitions. This course goes beyond the workbook curriculum, however, supplementing most contest concepts with unique and challenging math problems that our instructors will patiently teach students to solve. All of these problems are past math contest problems with the potential to appear on future exams.

This course bridges BA5 Pre-Algebra lessons with topics in Algebra. We will teach students to solve and learn concepts on various MathCounts, MOEM and entry level AMC8 problems to properly challenge every student’s unique problem-solving skills. (Approx. total 40 class hours or 40 lessons)

Algebra I
This course covers more advanced Algebra techniques needed for the AMC8 and AMC10 competitions. Students will master concepts such as linear equations, ratios, quadratic equations, special factorizations, complex numbers, graphing linear and quadratic equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, functions, polynomials, exponents and logarithms, absolute value, sequences and much more. (Approx. total 40 class hours or 40 lessons)

This course introduces students to geometry, one of the Big Four subjects in Math Competitions. Designed to help students competing in MathCounts, AMC8, and AMC10, this wide-ranged course helps students learn and practice with tons of new hot concepts, such as similar triangles, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, funky areas, power of a point, three-dimensional geometry, transformations, introductory trigonometry, and more. (Approx. total 40 class hours or 40 lessons).

By taking our AoPS course, you'll learn all the necessary skills and strategies to beat the competition and add to your college resume. Girls and minorities are especially encouraged to participate. Our courses are designed and developed by professionals math educator and competition expert coach.

Beast Academy:

  • BA2
  • BA3
  • BA4
  • BA5

AOPS Intro:

  • AOPS Pre-Algebra
  • AOPS Algebra
  • AOPS Geometry
  • AOPS Number Theory
  • AOPS Counting & Probability

AOPS Intermediate:

  • AOPS Algebra II
  • AOPS Counting & Probability
  • AOPS Preculculus
  • AOPS Calculus

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Summer registration: G1/5 | G6/8 | G9/11 | C++ | Java | Python

Spring registration: C++ | Java | Python