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TIME Magazine for Kids

This course introduces students to journalism and news writing, training them to read and write about a variety of topics such as history, current events, and societal trends. We will explore some of the most important articles written for TIME magazine through a scholarly lens, analyzing context, primary/secondary sources, and author's tone. Students will be exposed to the entire source-gathering, analysis, and newscrafting processes by reading Time Magazine and writing their own journalistic mini-pieces.

Game Design

Game design is one of the hottest industries and incorporates a mix of imagination, creative design, and meticulous programming skills. Our course, led by computer scientists with years of design background, will help your child build their own games, complete with heroes, levels, and code they'll be able to implement on their own! We will use the most popular and cutting-edge programming languages to help students master any challenge in game design, including JavaScript, Python, MicroBit, and Scratch.

Book Writing and Publishing

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an award-winning author? Our book writing and publishing gives your child the opportunity to learn all about the process of writing their own memoirs and short stories, and ultimately publishing their books at a publishing house! Students will not only gain a deeper appreciation and understanding for the authorship process, but will also gain many fundamental skills in personal and creative writing. Our instructors will incorporate their own experiences with student interests in this fun, enriching course.

High School Test Prep

Our high school test prep module includes courses for all of the major high school exams, such as the PSAT, SATI, SATII, and AP Exams. We take a highly-disciplined approach to each of our test prep courses, recommending strategies for students depending on their score and supplementing lessons with lots of mock exams. During lessons, we will go over important concepts and topics as well as walk through sample problems that are likely to appear on the test. Please check our course catalog for our specific offerings.

Social Studies

Our social studies guides elementary school students on an comprehensive, advanced look into Geography and American History. Our instructors are all extremely well-versed in the field, having majored in History and/or serve as social studies teachers at public and private schools. This course strives to enrich student knowledge and interest in the field -- instead of normal lectures students will read guided passages from famous historical authors, engaging in thoughtful discussions about the people involved and how they impacted different communities.

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Summer registration: G1/5 | G6/8 | G9/11 | C++ | Java | Python

Spring registration: C++ | Java | Python